Thursday, December 6, 2007

Drop Me Off Here Please

This is a place I would love to spend time:
It was mentioned several years ago in an issue of Cottage Living, and I've been dreaming of going ever since. When I received the latest course catalog the other day, back to dreamland I went !

Just to spend an entire week crafting . . . makes my heart skip a beat ! With courses in cooking, gardening, knitting, clay, soap making, beads, quilting, mixed media, and so on . . . . how could you choose just one ?!?!?!!! It looks like such a beautiful, serene, and encouraging setting as well . . . . I think I could use a dose of that ! It is a bit on the expensive side for my taste, but I'm sure it's worth it and then some. I'll have to start saving my pennies . . . I'd love to make going to "craft camp" a reality someday !!! Who else wants to come, too ??!?!?!


Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

What a cool place. I just ordered a catalogue!

Anonymous said...

Oh sign me up, sign me up! I will totally go with you!

melissa said...

Perhaps a girls' trip may be in order one of these days ?!?!?!!!