Monday, October 22, 2007

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

Maybe it was being able to lounge around and enjoy a leisurely cup of coffee yesterday. Or perhaps all of the Thanksgiving issues of my magazines have got me thinking about the little things I'm thankful for. And the upcoming holidays have gifts on my mind, too. I think a combination of all three brought this guy to mind:

. . . my Starbucks coffee grinder !!!
It's not something I use a lot . . . I usually drink coffee, if at all, only on the weekend. But it always brings a smile to my face when I remember it's story . . . !
It was about 8 or 9 years ago, when Jack and I were living outside of Boston. Jack was a full-time seminary student, and I was working at my first real job (the dental job from hell !). We didn't have much money at all, and were on a very strict budget that didn't really include things like morning coffee from Dunkin Donuts, much less eating out . . . it was a rare treat !! So when one of my co-workers gave me this coffee grinder for Christmas, I was beyond thrilled ! Now I could grind my own coffee beans and enjoy some lovely fresh coffee of my own. It felt like such a luxury at that time . . . and how did she know I'd always wanted one ??!?!!! It was such a simple, sweet gift that meant more to me than my co-worker ever knew. I always think of her when I use it, and hope that maybe a gift I give will touch someone in the same way.
Happy Monday . . . back to the grind !!!!

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