Monday, June 16, 2008

"Makes Me Gasp" Monday

Yes, I truly did gasp when I pulled into
my driveway this evening after work.

Our weather forecast today called for possibly heavy thunderstorms with heavy winds and a chance of flooding . . . storm warnings flashing across the TV screen and all that. So when it only rained for about 20 minutes around mid-day, I chalked it up to yet another "misdiagnosis" by our lovely weathermen. However, a mere 10 miles down the road from my office, some other kind of storm must have taken place, because this is what I came home to:

. . . leaves EVERYWHERE, blanketing our
entire yard so that I couldn't even see grass . . . .

. . . big piles of hail on the ground, on our roof . . .
looking like a taste of winter again . . . . !!!

Remember my beautiful pink geraniums from last week's post ???
Gone . . . beheaded by the storm !!

And all my perrenials and lovely, huge,
ready-to-bloom hostas are shredded:

A few of my tomato plants seem to have survived, though, and the cukes and zucchini are looking salvageable !!! We'll have to wait and see, I guess, what comes back to life . . . !!!! Ho hum !

On a better note . . . .


Anonymous said...

Oh, that is so sad! I have fears of hail and high wind every time we get a severe thunderstorm warning. I hope your veggies are ok and can recover. That is SUCH a bummer about your beautiful geranium!

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

Holy Hail, Batman! Seriously, that is a bummer. Glad nobody was hurt, but I'm mourning for your hostas and their friends.