Sunday, May 27, 2007

Enjoying the View

I love long weekends ! Time to do the things you need to do and want to do, and just some time to BE. I spent some time today just sitting on our patio, relaxing, camera in hand, enjoying the warm breeze on my face, and taking in the hub of activity that is our yard. Gives me a jolt of energy just to see things starting to bloom, like these lovelies . . .

Of course, we have lilacs . . . this is Rochester after all, home of the Lilac Festival !

I've always loved foxgloves . . . and now I finally have some ! They seem to be happily adjusting to their new home . . . I brought them home from the garden center earlier this week !

This little guy (and his countless friends !) provides Mr. Tibbs with endless hours of entertainment . . . back and forth across the patio, up on the railing, under the potting shed, on the bird feeder . . . what a lucky cat to have such a great show on all the time !!!

Last but not least is the outline of my veggie-garden-to-be . . . no tillers available to rent this holiday weekend, so we just marked the perimeter for now. Looks like a project for next weekend !!
Happy long weekend !! Hope you're enjoying your view !

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