Monday, December 8, 2008

"Makes Jack Laugh" Monday

A friend once told me that I was one of the
most put-together people she knew . . .
well, take a look at this outfit !!!!

I had good reason for my stylish ensemble: I had to run outside yesterday, in the blistery winter weather, to get my wreaths and grapevine trees out of the barn before the snow piled up and the doors froze shut ! I just happened to be in my old blue robe and bright red Scotty dog pajama pants. And what goes best with that ??? . . . why, my green boots, pink knitted hat, and Jack's rust-colored jacket, of course !!!

In the few short minutes I was actually outside, Jack managed to take a few shots ! I came back in the house to find him holding the camera and laughing hysterically ! Glad I could be so amusing !! Just wait till you see my Christmas decorating garb !!!
Happy ("What Not To Wear") Monday !!
P.S.: Thanks to all for the kind comments, phone calls, thoughts, and prayers about our loss . . . each and every one has been a great comfort ! We're doing better, enjoying our Marty, and getting used to the "new normal". Thanks again !

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