Monday, June 18, 2007

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

Another picture of Tibbs, making me smile today ! This is one of his newest and greatest napping spots . . . . inside Jack's bass drum !!!! Jack keeps a blanket in there (not sure why exactly . . . helps the sound maybe ??), and it just so happens to be right underneath a window . . . so when the sun is shining just perfectly on that spot, Tibbs can enjoy a nap in his own fort/sauna/cat cave/?? Sounds pretty good to me . . . if I could fit, I'd climb right in there with him !!!!

And here's a bonus for "Makes Me Smile" Monday . . . something I saw a few weeks ago that literally made me laugh so hard I cried !!! It's not exactly the "sweetness & light" type of enchantment I aim to post here, but it made me almost wet my pants with laughter, so there's definitely something magical in there somewhere . . . and I think anyone who's worked in an office setting will definitely appreciate the humor !! It is a bit on the dirty side, so I hope no one's offended . . . tell me what you think !!

Happy Monday !


Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

Can I borrow your pen?

Anonymous said...

Not exactly the type of swear jar we attempted to have sophomore year, eh (do you remember that ??) . . . maybe if we'd gone to a state school !?!?!!

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

I'd forgotten about that! Boy, I'd be broke by now if we still had one. That's not good.

Anonymous said...

That was f***ing awesome!

charlotte said...

thanks for the link...and the laugh! sent it to my daughter in her big advertising office.