Sunday, May 5, 2013

Fun With The Board

I'd been wanting some sort of chalkboard for awhile, to fill a 
particular spot in our kitchen . . . and about a month or two ago,
I scored this great one from Pier 1 !!!

Not only do I love the way it looks, but it's been fun to see what becomes
"chalkboard worthy" !!

Sometimes it's something I'm told at the office . . .

. . . or general rules for living . . .

(thank you, "Talking Dead" !!)

 . . . even some semi-crude humor . . . 

. . . and of course, some loveliness !!!

Wonder what will make it to the board next . . . ?!?!?!!!

1 comment:

{amy} said...

Fun "chalkboard worthy" stuff! ;) We have a chalkboard in our kitchen. We used to write somewhat handy information on it, but then our friends started writing on it. Now I can't fathom erasing it, even though it's FULL of randomness! One of these days I'll just have to take a picture, erase it, and start over...