Monday, April 5, 2010

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

Maybe it's my appreciation for the handmade . . . or because this little item comes with me all over the house . . . but today it's an ode to my knitting bag !

Several years ago, a patient in our practice brought in a similar bag that she had made . . . and when the whole staff went crazy admiring it, she came back the next day with enough for each of us to pick one out ! She didn't charge us for them . . . just gave them because she wanted to . . . . how awesome is that !! I wasn't too jazzed with this one at first - it seemed like everyone else got to the ones I really wanted before I did - but when I ended up with this one, someone remarked that it looked like "me". And the more I looked at it, the more I agreed !

After I started knitting, my little bag was put to good use, holding whatever project I happen to be working on. Unfortunately, my bag didn't make the trip with me to the Folk School . . . it wasn't big enough to hold everything I needed for my class ! It felt a little awkward carrying around "some other knitting bag" while I was there . . . and I was glad to get home and return to my usual carryall !

Problem is, I'm not the only one that likes this bag . . .

. . . Marty can often be seen with his head stuffed inside it ! I even have to put the bag in a closet at night so little Marty superfuzz can't get to it !!

Handmade . . . functional . . . and much appreciated (even by the felines !) !!

Happy (handmade) Monday !!!

1 comment:

{amy} said...

OK, I did it! You're officially awarded! It's a somewhat silly award, but I thought it was kinda fun!

On another note, I talked to an old friend today who was a member at George Cooper's church in Waxahachie! I thought Jack would think that was neat!

Also, I love the bag!! Take care!