Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

"I love the feel of the bamboo needles as they tap out a song under my hands, and the utter satisfaction of wearing items I make keeps me warmer than the wool itself. The anger and frustrations that I bring home at the end of the day, attached to my body like burrs, find their way out through my hands into the wool, and are stitched into beautiful things rather than festering in the back of my mind."

- Knit Lit -

I so agree !! That's why I'm so glad the click-clack-click-clack of my knitting needles is back !! I finished a sweater a few months ago, and have been waiting for my back-ordered new yarn to arrive before starting my next project. But, it's here & I'm knitting again . . . and all feels right with the world !!!

I am in need of some help, though. The above-mentioned book contains a cute little blurb about naming each of your knitting projects . . . "name it and tame it," so the saying goes ! So, if I'm making a sweater with this beautiful new lilac yarn . . . what should I name it ?!?!???? Suggest away !!!

Happy Monday !!!

Monday, June 15, 2009

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

You know those hanging "bags" of flowers ?!?!?!? Well, I had envisioned hanging one on each of our barns doors this summer . . . I thought they would look so pretty with those cascading flowers. But the garden center I visited last weekend was sold out, and a small garden center nearby had several left, but they were both expensive (to me, anyway !) and not looking so healthy. Well, maybe next year, I thought.

But, on a jaunt to my favorite farm market over the weekend, I was lucky enough to find these lovelies . . .

Little twig baskets filled with petunias !! They were prettier and less expensive than anything I'd seen so far . . . and I can reuse the baskets again and again ! Perfect !! I love it when you stumble upon something so much better than you thought you wanted ! These beauties make me smile every time I glance at them !

Happy Monday !

Monday, June 8, 2009

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

Finally . . . some color added to our outdoors !!!
It's beginning to look a bit like summer out there !!

I made the trek Saturday to one of our
area's largest garden centers . . .

. . . and came back with some much-needed color for our patio area. We recently painted our planters a fresh shade of white, and now they're filled with pretty petunias ! Grow, boys, grow !

So lovely to have some color out there !

Happy Monday !