Monday, July 2, 2007

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

It's so refreshing (and a relief !) to see things growing, and dare I say thriving, in my yard today . . . and it makes me smile !!!

This is a picture of one of the planters outside our porch. Last year I was a bit too eager and threw a whole bunch of different annuals in the planters, aiming for the cottage garden effect . . . bad idea. So this year we tried to keep it simple, and I'm happy with the result . . . it's the one spot of color so far in the yard !!!

And this is a picture of my soon-to-be-lettuce . . . the only thing really taking off in my veggie garden at the moment ! A little disappointing that things are taking their time sprouting . . . I'm wondering if I waited a little too long to plant things, and if I erred in starting things from seed . . . but I'm realizing that gardening is a learning process like everything else, all about trial and error !

Even if it's not the cottage garden of my dreams, or the bountiful veggie garden I envisioned, these little victories give me a bit of hope that maybe someday it will turn out the way I see it in my mind's eye . . . and that definitely makes me smile !!!

1 comment:

Jennifer/The Word Cellar said...

Bravo on your gardening! I suffer from analysis paralysis and end up not doing much because I don't know how to match my vision.