Sunday, August 25, 2013

It Really Does Fly

Time, that is !!

Between the usual workday, doctor appointments, car issues, cat issues, and all other manner
of craziness, here's what's been happening around our little corner of the world . . . .

Christmas came in July this year, as we got Over The Rhine's new double album
"Meet Me At The Edge Of The World"  over a month before it's actual release . . . 
the perks of being a backer of the project !!!

Of course, it's phenomenal . . . 
it's been playing non-stop in my car (& in my head !) since it arrived !!

           Click here to take a listen & download (for free !) the first 5 songs !

"Called Home" is my current personal favorite . . . . !

I actually do still knit, too !!!

A new sweater is on the needles:  the Blue Jean Sky Cardigan.
It's named after one of the songs on the above-mentioned CD, of course !

"Gimme a swig of a little kick-ass beauty . . . "

And, we had this cutie recently for his 1st overnight at our house . . . 

. . . our nephew, Ben !

We made an unexpected stop at a water park the next day, too . . . 

Fun !!!

There was also a 16th anniversary squeezed in there somewhere, too . . . 

Now at least I feel a little more caught up on August . . . 

before we head into September next week already !!!