Time, that is !!
Between the usual workday, doctor appointments, car issues, cat issues, and all other manner
of craziness, here's what's been happening around our little corner of the world . . . .
Christmas came in July this year, as we got Over The Rhine's new double album
"Meet Me At The Edge Of The World" over a month before it's actual release . . .
the perks of being a backer of the project !!!
Of course, it's phenomenal . . .
it's been playing non-stop in my car (& in my head !) since it arrived !!
Click here to take a listen & download (for free !) the first 5 songs !
"Called Home" is my current personal favorite . . . . !
I actually do still knit, too !!!
A new sweater is on the needles: the Blue Jean Sky Cardigan.
It's named after one of the songs on the above-mentioned CD, of course !
"Gimme a swig of a little kick-ass beauty . . . "
And, we had this cutie recently for his 1st overnight at our house . . .
. . . our nephew, Ben !
We made an unexpected stop at a water park the next day, too . . .