Sunday, April 24, 2011

Best $1.99 We Ever Spent

Here's what we've been doing for fun lately . . .

. . . watching Marty & Leo play "Games For Cats" on Jack's iPad !!!!

Too much fun !!!

Monday, April 18, 2011

Little Things

"A multitude of small delights
constitutes happiness."

- Charles Baudelaire -

True, indeed !! Here are a few of my recent small delights . . .

A little blurry, I know . . . but my new necklace says "KNIT" ! So cute !
You can check out a much better picture here . . . my first Etsy purchase !

With the help of a gift card and some birthday money,
I bought myself a new knitting bag:

. . . this one has a zipper closure, so Marty can't stick
his head in my knitting stuff anymore !
He's a little bummed . . . but I'm a happy camper !
And now I finally own a piece of the ever-popular Vera Bradley line !!

My "Summer Breeze" cardigan is well on its way:

. . . yup, she's named "Summer Breeze" . . .
courtesy of my mom, who said it reminded her of the song
(which now gets stuck in my head !) !!!!

This lovely sample has been sitting in various places
in my kitchen for a week or so . . .

. . . and looks to be the winner for our new backsplash
(a new floor going in, too !) !! Can't wait !!

This is the view from our guestroom/craftroom,
and my favorite thing to look at during Spring:

. . . I love seeing these buds just starting to turn red,
then swell and grow, and eventually burst into lovely green leaves !
So hopeful that Spring really is coming !!!

Here's to the little things & small delights !!!

Monday, April 11, 2011

"Makes Me Smile" Monday

"If there comes a little thaw,
Still the air is chill and raw,
Here and there a patch of snow,
Dirtier than the ground below,
Dribbles down a marshy flood;
Ankle-deep you stick in mud
In the meadow while you sing,
'This is Spring' "

- Christopher Pearce Cranch -

Luckily, there's no mud or floods today (rain later tonite, though !),
and today was anything but chill and raw (75 degrees !) . . .

just so glad to see Spring !

These lovelies are just making their appearance . . .

. . . and these lovelies are sooooo happy to get out on
the porch, and watch the birds and chipmunks:

Happy Springy Monday !!!